So not alot of people know "body" trix. for example when you work out, as weird as it sounds, you should wear a black trashbag under your sweater to make you sweat more, orrr use siran rap and rap it around multiple times around ur abdomin b4 u work out.
Healthy Glow
- In order to get a healthy glow you must treat your body right, you need to excercise and eat well. in order to have a healthy glow you must be healthy from the getgo. getting a healthy glow doesnt involve make up all it involves is you eating healthy and taking care of yourself, and also having a positive attitude.
- In order to get a healthy glow you must treat your body right, you need to excercise and eat well. in order to have a healthy glow you must be healthy from the getgo. getting a healthy glow doesnt involve make up all it involves is you eating healthy and taking care of yourself, and also having a positive attitude.
Look Tall-
- if your pretty short and you want to acheive the tall look it is all based off the shoes you choose. dont get shoes that make you look like your about to go to a night club try heel sandals or wedges, dont go buying platform shoes, the key is that you can walk around in them. if you want to acheive the longer leg look you should pair high heels with above the knee skirts it will give the allusion that you are somewhat tall.( Warning: Stay away from heels, like the picture below)

Body Cream-
- have you ever noticed that body cream is more expensive than body lotion? thats because body lotion is a heavy duty moisturizer whereas lotion is sort of temporary and just a light moisturizer.
Body Soap-
-body soaps come in all different shapes, sizes , scents and colors. you have to use the soap that fits well with your skin. Bar soaps clog pores so when removing make up you should used liquid. other than that your options of soaps vary from antibacterial, medicated, scrub, or mosturizing, get one thats right for your skin. antibacterial kill bacteria, medicated is for chicken pox or eczema , the scrub is for exfoliation and moisturizing is for .....moisturizing!
Where to Buy Products-
-You can go to any drugstore to get your soaps and lotions but the better the name brand the better the product. stay away from perfume based lotions because they will do the opposite of moisturize. you can visit "The Body Shop" or "Bath and Body Works" but my number one store for lotions and soaps is "Lush" you can visit their online website there products are not too expensive and they work very well.
-You can go to any drugstore to get your soaps and lotions but the better the name brand the better the product. stay away from perfume based lotions because they will do the opposite of moisturize. you can visit "The Body Shop" or "Bath and Body Works" but my number one store for lotions and soaps is "Lush" you can visit their online website there products are not too expensive and they work very well.

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