Halloweens tomorrow! and alot of you might be going to parties or what not but are stuck on what to wear or how to do your makeup. well halloween is the only time where you can wear anything you want and do your makeup however you want and no one can say anything..so take advantage of it and be extravaggent! heres a couple of tips for halloween costumes:
first off you dont need to go buy expensive make up for you costume theme. it does not have to be mac, dior or make up forever, get your basic things at walgreens or cvs.
If you plan on being a vampire (which 99% of people will be) buy your white face paint from walgreens for $6 dollars and make some contour lines on your cheeks, ( tutorial on 1st blog) then do your makeup smokey black and red. Lose the fake fangs they are soooooo cheeeeesyyy, instead go to any drugstore or any halloween story and buy the fangs that mold to your teeth or buy sexy bites

if you plan on being a fairy, you too should go to walgreens! they have the perfect ice princess kit. although its not "fairy-ish" you dont need it to be..all you need to do is apply green or pink glittery make up and using the kit apply the sparklys onto your face ( fairys are shiny) and it will go perfect with your costume. watch the video posted below it is a great tutorial on how to do fairy makeup
In honor of michael jackson alot of people will be going as michael jackson ( not cliche at all!). but they look so goofy! the key to looking like michael jackson CONTOURING ! you need to know where to contour and you will need a fadora and some "chips" shades. the best advice i can give on MJ is make sure you buy alot of dark concealers in order to acheive the look. Watch Kandee Johnsons Michael jackson tutorial to get an idea of what you can do.
when buying your constume, keep in mind that there are tons of stores that have cheap costumes i.e. walmart, walgreens, cvs, target, and the costume stores that are not really known are the ones who have discount costumes. you are only going to wear the costume once so dont spend hundreds on it. Its understandable that most people dont like making home made costumes because they look cheesy try to buy a costume online before halloween because its cheaper when its not halloween season.
make up is the best mart of halloween, so go all out but before you do. look at some youtube tutorials to get some background info on your costume and what kind of make up can go with it! remember..buy cheap face paint dont spend hundereds on halloween makeup.
I hope these simple tips helped! have a safe and Happy Halloween!!!
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