Times are tough and the last thing we want to do is spend our last dime (or penny) on expensive cosmetics but theres nothing like getting a christian dior, Chanel, or Nars cosmetics for half the price it usually costs. There are oh so many websites that offer great deals for clothing, accessories, cosmetics and even shoes. Everyone has heard of the websites Ebay, Amazon, and Craigslist, but there are trillions more ( ofcourse im not going to name all trillion). In this blog im going to name some cheap but great products along with websites where you can get up to 80% discounted clothing,and other items.
-http://fredflare.com ( One of my FAVV WEBSITES EVERR!)
-http://Superdrug.com (not too cheap but it has alot of european collections thats not sold in the U.S!)
Everyone always seems to under estimate the power of drugstore make up. There are some AMAZING make up brands that are "unknown" and work 10x better than the $50 dollars lipsticks and eyeshadows you buy at the mall. These products are on the top of my list.
NYX - * You can get Nyx cosmetics at ulta or mostly any drugstore
Jessie's Girl - You can get there products at there website http://jessiesgirlcosmetics.com or at any rite aid.
Coastal Scents - Unfortunately, the only way you can get this brand is buy ordering it at there website http://coastalscents.com, ( they have a 88 eyeshadow pallette for $20!!!)
EOS- i use eos chapstick which works well for me, you can purchase eos at any Walgreens.
I hope this blog was useful to you guys, (the products i listed above are not the only ones that are good and cheap, you can get sooo many from the different websites i provided or at any drugstore! xoxo